What is LearnUpon LMS?
LearnUpon LMS helps businesses unlock the power of learning. Our user-friendly platform and industry-leading expertise enables over 1000 businesses to streamline large-scale training delivery with confidence to every audience: employees, customers, and partners. With a global team and a solution that processes hundreds of thousands of enrollments every day, innovative businesses around the world partner with LearnUpon to deliver their enterprise-level training initiatives with ease.
Company Details
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Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.
87 Likeliness to Recommend
Since last award
95 Plan to Renew
Since last award
85 Satisfaction of Cost Relative to Value
Since last award
Emotional Footprint Overview
Product scores listed below represent current data. This may be different from data contained in reports and awards, which express data as of their publication date.
+94 Net Emotional Footprint
The emotional sentiment held by end users of the software based on their experience with the vendor. Responses are captured on an eight-point scale.
How much do users love LearnUpon LMS?
- Reliable
- Performance Enhancing
- Effective Service
- Inspires Innovation
How to read the Emotional Footprint
The Net Emotional Footprint measures high-level user sentiment towards particular product offerings. It aggregates emotional response ratings for various dimensions of the vendor-client relationship and product effectiveness, creating a powerful indicator of overall user feeling toward the vendor and product.
While purchasing decisions shouldn't be based on emotion, it's valuable to know what kind of emotional response the vendor you're considering elicits from their users.
Feature Ratings
Analytics and Reporting
Course Management
Content Creation
Assessments and Quizzes
Instructor Led Training
Lesson Planning
Content Management
International Support
Student Collaboration
Customer Partner Training
Vendor Capability Ratings
Ease of Implementation
Vendor Support
Breadth of Features
Business Value Created
Availability and Quality of Training
Quality of Features
Ease of Data Integration
Usability and Intuitiveness
Product Strategy and Rate of Improvement
Ease of Customization
Ease of IT Administration
LearnUpon LMS Reviews
Jeremiah M.
- Role: Operations
- Industry: Not for Profit
- Involvement: Business Leader or Manager
Submitted Jan 2025
Easy to use, implement, Straightforward all around
Likeliness to Recommend
What differentiates LearnUpon LMS from other similar products?
LearnUpon just understood our needs and took the time to get to hear our business needs like no other vendor did
What is your favorite aspect of this product?
The ease of use. We don't have any staff dedicated to managing the system. It just works.
What do you dislike most about this product?
Sometimes support tends to be dismissive and ready to send a link to the knowledge base, rather than seeking to really understand the problem.
What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?
If you choose LearnUpon, there won't be any surprises. It does what they say it will and its reliable,
- Trustworthy
- Helps Innovate
- Continually Improving Product
- Reliable
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Jennifer H.
- Role: Human Resources
- Industry: Other
- Involvement: Business Leader or Manager
Submitted Mar 2024
The best LMS company I’ve ever worked with!
Likeliness to Recommend
What differentiates LearnUpon LMS from other similar products?
Customer service and ongoing improvements/new features.
What is your favorite aspect of this product?
Customer service and collaboration.
What do you dislike most about this product?
The forums feature needs an overhaul. We use it as more of an information board.
What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?
I haven’t experienced better customer service with any other vendor. Implementation is a breeze and the platform is easy to admin. There are so many features and functions that the system can easily accommodate nearly any use case. I recommend LearnUpon to everyone needing a learning platform.
- Helps Innovate
- Continually Improving Product
- Reliable
- Performance Enhancing
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Linda B.
- Role: C-Level
- Industry: Technology
- Involvement: Business Leader or Manager
Submitted Mar 2024
Easy to implement, very flexible functionality
Likeliness to Recommend
What differentiates LearnUpon LMS from other similar products?
Great return on investment as it is moderately priced but highly flexible in terms of the training and coaching that can be offered through the platform, particularly when innovating and using the platform in new and unique ways.
What is your favorite aspect of this product?
Excellent support - whenever I had questions about integrations or how to really flex the tool, the CS team was always responsive and helpful.
What do you dislike most about this product?
The internal authoring tool is a bit primitive, but we figured out ways to make it really sing!
What recommendations would you give to someone considering this product?
If you are looking for creative ways to deliver a variety of training and coaching modalities, and integrate content from multiple sources, the platform can adapt to those needs and the CS team will help make your custom integrations work seamlessly.
- Helps Innovate
- Continually Improving Product
- Reliable
- Performance Enhancing
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